Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Rose by Any Other Name...

Do you know how many accounts and logins and cards have your name on it? I'm sure starting to realize. So far the hardest thing about getting married has been the process of changing my name. After going to the courthouse to get the license and paying for that, we had the minister and witnesses sign, mailed it in etc. I at least expected them to mail us back the certificate. But no after doing some research you actually have to go back to the courthouse to pick it up. Of course their only open during business hours M-F. Great. So after Cristian picks up a copy I gather all my forms and documents and go to social security. I wait an hour to be called and in 30 seconds they tell me I need the original document not a copy. Waste of time. Now I have to return tomorrow, wait again and then hopefully receive my new card in 7-10 days. We'll see. And this is just the beginning.

I've changed my email at work but they won't change my name without a new license. The DMV insists you go in person for a name change too, shocker. Then I have to go to the bank, tell all the utilities, credit card companies, insurance, rewards programs, stores even friends and Facebook and voicemails. What a pain. But I will say all in all at least when it's done I'll be an official Daraban.


  1. oohhh i remember doing that. however, my student loan companies wanted an official copy of my marriage license or they wouldn't change my name. i never sent them one, because those puppies are like $7 each. and plus ben is not liable for them in the untimely event of my passing that way.

    trust beaucracy to make things oh so simple and straight forward right? :(

  2. Totally! It's been a pain. thanks for the tip on the student loans though, I'm going to leave it be.

  3. SS requires the original document? A certified copy isn't enough? Crap... Was gonna go to the county clerk's today (since I have the day off) but they're closed. $17/copy. There doesn't appear to be an option for getting an original. WTH.

  4. You should be good with a certified copy just not a copy of the certified. Unbelievable. Good luck!
